Thursday, September 4, 2008

The First Week Almost Through

With week one almost under my belt, there are a few things to already think back on...

Lauren (the other agricultural intern) and I have become quite good friends. Maybe this has something to do with the fact that we have tons in common right now! We are struggling through our allotted jobs.. figuring out what development is all about.. figuring out how to live in Managua, all the while, being a bit blind and deaf to everything (figurative and literal).

I am grateful for the last week; I have already been forced to reevaluate my priorities, question my surroundings, and make changes. The work is challenging... reading in Spanish is not coming very naturally... there just seems to be a LOT of work. I guess that's the nature of where I'm at.

I look around, and begin to feel grounded. Sights are beginning to look familiar and I am laughing more. The sounds and smells are becoming more natural, as I more easily ease myself to sleep at night.

Home is most definitely still on the forefront of my mind, as I wonder why I have passed up hanging out with my family for a job. But this is more than a job. I hope to discover myself, my calling and my God.

Until next time...

1 comment:

more green said...

Haha, I laughed audibly when I saw your profile pic. Very you. I am settling in too, starting to enjoy the work. The reading in spanish is crazy for me too, cause it looks so familiar. I think I understand it and then I'll type it into babelfish translator and it takes on a whole different meaning.

I remember you had a sweet camera, post some pics.